A Valued

Trusted by nearly 4,000 dealers nationwide

& Profitability

Delivering custom solutions to advance dealership success

Trusted by
Drivers Everywhere

More than 14 million contracts in force


Supporting thousands of dealers and customers daily

JM&A Group

Working in partnership with our dealers, we provide customized support to grow their profits, drive success and optimize talent. Our expert teams design tailored solutions rooted in five core areas of the dealership: F&I, Fixed Operations, Dealer Talent Services, Training & Development, and Insurance & Risk Management. 

Customer and salesperson at dealership
JM&A associate working on a laptop

We take the time to understand each dealer’s whole business, goals and areas of opportunity, then create a plan and bring it to life. As the leaders in F&I and training for more than 40 years, we provide hands-on guidance to help our dealers better serve their customers. Our dedication and proven record of success translates into measurable dealership growth.  

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